Easier Outdoors
Babies love to experience the outdoors. Whilst parents enjoy a welcome change of scenery, baby gets the chance to discover new and exciting sights, smells and sounds. That’s why we have created toys that make it easier for you and your baby to have fun outside, with special outdoor features such as shading, simple handling and unique activities for your baby. Have a nice trip!
Ladybug Musical Toy
Musical Bunny Toy
Garden Mobile On-the-go
Garden Pram Mobile
What does Paul wear book
Where is Joey book
Koala Clip on pram book
Grow With Me Activity Arch
Savannah adventures arch
tropical orchestra arch
Musical Bunny Arch
Koala Daydream Arch
Mini moon arch
musical arch – owl
Koala activity Spiral
garden spiral
Urban Garden XL Outdoors mat
outdoors play mat
watermelon sun shade
Musical Koala
Musical Mini Moon
mini moon pram mobile
North Pole Pyramid